(Photo: looking back by keico taguchi)
Outreach Digital introduces a free workshop for people interested in understanding digital analytics principles and applying them within Google’s popular platform.
Part 1
Introduction to the basic concepts of analytics
Part 2
Hands-on analysis using Google Analytics
How to join?
– This event is entirely free of charge
– All you need to do is follow us on our LinkedIn page: linkedin.com/company/outreach-digital
– Please update your RSVP to “No” if you cannot come.
The Programme
7:30-8:00 PM – Drinks & Networking
8:00-9:00 PM – Workshop & Speakers
9:00-9:30 PM – More Drinks & More Networking
Dimitris Zotos is Digital Strategy Manager at award-wining agency theMediaFlow, as well as a partner at WebSEOAnalytics.com. With 7 years’ experience at respected agencies including Mozaik and iProspect – Isobar, Dimitris has a deep understanding of owned earned and paid media, with a focus on analytics and performance. Having worked previously in Athens, Dimitris is fascinated by the ever-changing digital landscape, as well as how novel technologies and data can be incorporated within marketing strategies. Delivering corporate training both in Greece and in the UK, as well as regularly attending networking events, Dimitris is passionate about the sharing of knowledge.
We are London’s largest and most diverse community of digital, tech and internet professionals from different industries dedicated to connecting curious minds through free thought-provoking meetups and charitable support initiatives.
Workshops, MBA-style case competitions, debate nights and pro bono projects are the ingredients of Outreach Digital’s inspiring programme.
Our team members work at leading firms like Amazon, Bloomberg, PwC, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Sky and Havas Media, as well as numerous stars of the e-commerce and start-up scenes, e.g. Booking.com, King.com and Alibaba.com.
Outreach Digital is entirely run by volunteers during their free time (never during working hours!). Want be a part of our fun, driven and qualified team? Drop us an email at outreachdigital.team@gmail.com
Should you need any further info feel free to send us a private message.
Kindly note that due to the entirely voluntary commitment of our contributors, speakers and venues, our event date may change at very short notice. To avoid disappointment, we advise you to RSVP now but check back on the day of the event!
To register correctly, please make sure you answer all questions when you RSVP. You may be removed from the attendees list if your details are incomplete, or if you have frequently “Yes” ‘d for past events without actually showing up.